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Local haunt: Protected farm has paranormal history

A 324-acre historic farm in Albemarle County will be adopted into the county’s Acquisition of Conservation Easements program, which will permanently protect the land from any future development. But perhaps a bulldozer isn’t the only entity the property needs protection from.

The Twisted Paranormal Society, a Virginia-based ghost hunting group, took two trips to Mount Eagle Farm in 2014, at the request of a current owner, Debbie Kavanaugh. In case files on the TPS website, the group says owners of the 12-room plantation home have experienced “many unexplainable occurrences of activity,” including cabinet doors knocking in the kitchen, sounds of footsteps coming from the second floor and reported sightings of apparitions, with the most notable evidence being the report of an owner waking up to a man standing over a baby’s crib in the room. When he approached the figure, it allegedly vanished.


Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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