Brits More Likely to Believe in Ghosts Than in a Creator
British people are more likely to believe in ghosts then a creator, and self-identified Christians are more likely to believe in aliens than then devil, according to a new survey.
"There is a tendency to believe in the friendlier parts of faith than those which are difficult to contemplate. People who say they are Christian are more likely to definitely believe in heaven (44%) than hell (27%), and more likely to definitely believe in angels (35%) than the devil (24%)," according to the YouGov study. "British people as a whole are most likely to believe in fate (36%) and alien life (30%), while in net terms belief in ghosts (-9) and karma (-11) is more prevalent than belief in a Creator (-21) or heaven (-21)."
Approximately 45 percent of Brits definitely do not believe in a Creator while 20-25 percent definitely do believe in a creator.