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Ghosts of Redwood County: Psychic investigators explore county museum

Is the Redwood County Museum haunted?

Do ghosts of former county poor house residents still wander the halls?

A team of volunteer psychic investigators spent the night of May 14-15 in the museum, hoping to find out.

It all began several months ago, when Dr. Adrian Lee was passing through the area, and wanted lunch.

“I was going to have lunch at Jackpot Junction, but their restaurant wasn’t going to be open for another hour or so,” Lee said on May 14, as his investigators were carrying their equipment into the museum. “I had some time, so I decided to explore the metropolis of Morton.”

At the Renville County Museum, Lee was told that if he was interested in ghosts, the place he really needed to visit was the Redwood County Museum.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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