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‘Ghosts Of Shepherdstown’ Is A Haunting New Series From Destination America [Spoilers]

Shepherdstown is the oldest town in West Virginia, and is best known for the local arts scene, the historic attractions, and the university. Now, this community of 1,750 people will become known for something else entirely different. According to Real Screen, a recent surge in supernatural activity has forced the town’s chief of police, Michael King, to turn to a team of paranormal investigators for answers.

Shepherdstown’s five-man police department has been busy responding to several 911 calls where residents are claiming that their emergency is not criminal in nature, but paranormal. King decides to bring in paranormal experts Nick Groff (Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown), billed as America’s leading paranormal investigator; Elizabeth Saint (A Man Possessed, Reaper), a paranormal sensitive; and Bill Hartley (Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, The R.I.P. Files), the team’s technical guru. Together, this Ghosts of Shepherdstown team will work to uncover the truth behind the disturbances and investigate the reports of disembodied voices, shadowy figures, physical attacks, and objects that seem to disappear right into thin air.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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