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Itindi: The Eldoret 'ghosts' that made me quit drama club

Editor’s note: There are some things that happened in your childhood that you cannot explain. You must have done one or two things that still baffle you several years later. Bery Itindi had one of those when she was still in primary school – she once imagined that she was being chased by ghosts. What happened at Uasin Gishu Primary School is still very clear in her mind; here is her narration.

Have you ever found yourself shouting “Satan! Get behind me! Satan! Get behind me” as you take to your heels with ‘Satan’ in hot pursuit?

That is exactly what happened to me many moons ago when our primary school drama team had just gotten back to Eldoret after a failed national drama festival in Nairobi.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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