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11 Creepy, Real-Life Paranormal Stories From Reddit To Keep You Awake At Night

When it comes to real-life paranormal stories, Reddit is the gift that keeps on giving (and giving, and then giving some more). Whether that's a good thing is up to you; if you're the type to lie awake for hours in a carefully-crafted blanket burrito every time you see a commercial for a horror movie, browsing these kinds of threads probably isn't the best idea. But if your notion of a good time involves a bottle of wine, an internet connection, and a willingness to have the pants scared off you, prepare your spine for some shivering.

Any connoisseur of the weird and creepy knows that the most effective scary stories are rooted in reality. With that in mind, it's not exactly surprising that when Reddit user eshoves14 asked their fellow users to describe their "creepiest and most unexplainable paranormal experience," the results were... well, creepy and inexplicable in the best way possible.

Unlike the infamous subreddit r/NoSleep, Ask Reddit threads are completely nonfictional (or at least, they're meant to be — of course, that doesn't stop people from making stuff up anyway, but whatever), so even if you don't believe in the paranormal, whoever posted a story probably does. Sure, you could poke holes in following tales of haunted houses, visits from the recently deceased, and premonitions of death, but why would you want to? It's more fun to suspend your disbelief. Grab your blanket burrito and that bottle of wine, because here are 11 of the best stories from the thread. To read the ones that didn't make the cut, head over to the thread yourself.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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