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Paranormal tool of the week

Ever been tired of having to review for your EVPs the day after when you are blurried eyed

and heavyness of the investigation from the night before?

Want your EVP's NOW!!!!! Well, this might be your type of device.

The RT-EVP Real Time Recording ITC Device is The Only Digital Recorder in The World That Can Simultaneously Record, Save The Recorded File (8GB of memory!), Extract The Saved File Recording and Then Play it Back Through Your Earbuds Within 1 Second Without Disrupting The Original Recording

It Also Has a Built-in FM Spirit Box with user Adjustable Sweep Rates

The Real Time Electronic Voice Phenomenon (RT-EVP) is a one of a kind voice recording device with 8 GB of memory that allows continuous dialog during an EVP communication session. This is one of the most powerful ITC paranormal tools specifically developed for, and used by, paranormal enthusiasts in the world today! The RT-EVP:

  • Operates as a standard EVP Voice Recorder (real time OFF )Operates as a standard EVP Voice Recorder with simultaneous real time audio file extraction (playback is 1 second to 60 second)Operates as an EVP Recorder with white noise added. Simply tune to an in between FM frequency channel in the 76MHz - 86.9Mhz area while in the real time record mode.Enhanced adjustable microphone sensitivity.Numerical 4-digit (0000) EVP counter interface allows for more advanced question and response sessions. The numerical counter interface with adjustable sensitivity increments documents when a response is received with tags, dates, time stamps, the EVP location on the recorded file, and can separate a class "A" EVP from other weaker responses.Auto ON / OFF data logging and record feature allows the RT-EVP's counter interface to be turned on/off to gather data automatically. This allows the user to place the RT-EVP anywhere and then retrieve it later. If any EVP or voice disturbances are detected during the recording time, they will logged and appear as tagged "counts" in the file. These tags which identify the exact location of the disturbance are provided to eliminate unnecessary file review time.New custom made 15Hz sound isolating ear buds from Koss provides a separate volume control on the real time playback. This will allow the user to adjust the playback volume control to eliminate any potential feedback at high microphone sensitivities. This means that the RT-EVP is so sensitive that the internal microphone can pick up the playback inside your ear canal if you talk too loud. By lowering the volume when your voice is played back and then increasing the volume where the EVP response is expected, you will eliminate your voice being played back inside your ears.Amplify ambient sounds up to 81.5dB with the recorder ON or OFF to hear very low level voices and sounds. Operates in FM frequency sweep mode with multi-step speed adjustment from 50mS to 110mS.

  • Operates in FM frequency sweep & EVP combination (hybrid-mode) with simultaneous playback.

  • Frequency sweep forward or reverse.

  • Intelli-Q, real time data analysis, permits audio and sweep frequency sounds to be repeated without interfering with your recording session. Pressing this button actually allows you to rewind (in 5 second increments) a response during a live session. This is an amazing feature because you can analyze things you hear and not disturb the integrity of the ongoing LIVE recording!

I know that I'm saving up to make my next purchase and this item will make a great addition to when you want to do RTC (Real Time Communicaion) with the entity (ghost/spirit). Plus the ablities of now with a spirit box included, I can't wait to get one and try it out.

Happy Hauntings,

John Marc Carr

Thank you to Gary G. for put this wonderful information on Youtube!!!



Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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