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Stunning new Loch Ness Monster image 'shows beast emerging 10ft out of water'

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Stunning new Loch Ness Monster image 'shows beast emerging 10ft out of water'

  • 10:22, 23 Jun 2016

  • Updated 10:51, 23 Jun 2016

  • By John Shammas , PETER JOLLY

Paranormal investigator Jim Winiski, who discovered the images, said: "This is quite unusual but fits with many of the classic Nessie sightings"

A paranormal investigator believes he has spotted the Loch Ness Monster... from 4000 miles away.

Jim Winiski claims to have made the first sighting of Nessie over the web in more than a decade by monitoring the loch's webcam from his home in Iowa.

He claims he saw a neck-like object appear up to ten feet out of the water.

And the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register has logged his claim as a credible sighting - the third so far in 2016.

Mr Winiski was watching the 'Nessie on the Net' webcam during his lunchtime on Tuesday when a neck popped up.

The sighting lasted between ten and 12 seconds and there was no boat activity at the time.

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April 2008

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