Ghost hunters coming to Sevenoaks
A team of ghost hunters is coming to West Kingsdown to search for supernatural spirits in an abandoned building.
Stacklands Retreat House could be knocked down in the near future, so a team called Ghostech Paranormal Investigations has decided to find out for certain whether it is actually haunted.
The old building in School Lane has been a source of many a rumour in the village, and a number of people have speculated online about urban myths, claiming it is haunted by priests who were sacrificed nearly 80 years ago after the owner turned satanic.
Lead investigator and presenter Jeff Young, 52, said: "We are going to gather as much overnight evidence at Stacklands Retreat House as we can.
"We went there in the day time, and when we set up our cameras we picked up a woman's voice saying devil worshipping had been going on, and there were orbs flying around my feet."