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Chilling evidence of ghosts snapped at Secret Bunker in Fife

As the country gets ready for the remake of Ghostbusters, there’s plenty of paranormal activity going on closer to home.

Scotland’s Secret Bunker, formerly an underground nuclear command centre to safeguard Scotland during the Cold War, has had a spate of apparently paranormal activity.

In the last month there’s been a plethora of phantom photos of ghostly goings on in the St Andrews visitor attraction.

A woman fainted in one scary incident, while apparent connections with several spirits have had paranormal experts scratching their heads.

In one of the photos, two figures are seen at the end of the long corridor at the entrance to the bunker, which is situated 100 feet underground.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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