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Irish Supernatural Society busts ghosts in abandoned lunatic asylum

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters. And if Melissa McCarthy doesn’t happen to be available, you may want to keep the real deal on speed dial.

On the weekend that the all-female reboot of Ghostbusters is released, the Sunday World joined forces with the Cork Supernatural Society for a hair-raising night of ghost hunting.

Our spooktacular location? Our Lady’s Hospital, formerly Eglington Asylum, Cork – a now partially abandoned building that overlooks the river Lee.

For Jackie Clarke and her son Matthew ,who are making ghostbusting a family affair, it’s a standard day at the office. Kim O’Shea and Paul Keating are another two of the team of who call themselves paranormal enthusiasts.

The group’s mission is simple, to capture incidences of paranormal activity by travelling around Ireland and checking out reports of ghostly goings-on.

Paranormal investigator, Jackie (47), whose son Matthew (20), founded the society when he was just 16, points to a silver case laden with specialist ghost-hunting equipment and says: “We use K2 Metres that detect any change in the electromagnetic field. They light up if there is any change in the atmosphere around us.

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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