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5 reasons why the Ghostbusters would thrive in Singapore

As every good businessman knows, Singapore is the place to set up a new company or your Southeast Asian hub. The problem is that we’re a small market, so we’re not that lucrative if you’re selling a product or even a service - unless you’re selling ghostbusting services.

“But wait,” you may cry. There are so many bomohs and religious leaders here, surely someone would be able to take down whatever is haunting you. That’s true to some extent, but if there’s something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call? Russell Lee?

So here’s my informal proposal for getting the Ghostbusters to come to Singapore. Maybe “Ghostbusters 2” will be shot in Singapore!


Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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