Haunts & Jaunts: Paranormal Advice: Are you considering joining or perhaps forming a par
Investigations are different than a hunt, and quite different from that of the monthly hobbyist. It’s more professional as you deal with clients who need answers and/or resolution. It’s serious business as outcomes will ultimately impact another's life. There are ramifications and something to consider when forming a group from scratch.
Someone will have to assume the role of team leader. Team leader, scout, researcher and interviewer may be one and the same person. Talk about having your work cut out for you! Yes, it’s lonely at the top, but the pay is so sweet….
Use the paying venues (paranormal amusement parks) as training opportunities. You’ll need to know the team will work well together in any given situation. Turn these ventures into equipment exercises. Go through the motions of a ‘serious’ investigation, although the majority of the time it’ll just be a fun excursion. Don’t be disillusioned if it’s not the experience portrayed on TV—they seldom are.