Ghosts in our midst? Nova Scotia woman shares story of unexplained happenings
It wasn’t my first ghost story. It probably won’t be my last. But it was the closest personal account I’ve heard of what could be a poltergeist.
Despite some experience “ghost hunting,” I have a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to the paranormal.
Hearing she was having problems, I went to the Shelburne County residence of Carol Elliot to hear her story. I ended up spending a good portion of my day there and heard what she has gone through in the past three years in what she believes is a haunted house.
As I entered the kitchen, I felt a heavy weight press down from the tip of my head all the way down to my toes. I even could feel a pressure in my nose.
When I entered the bedroom, all of the hairs rose on my arms and the nape of my neck despite seeing or hearing nothing.