Watervliet psychic fair brings the paranormal out of the shadows
WATERVLIET >> In keeping with the approach of Halloween — and more importantly as a fundraiser for a historic building — a local paranormal group held a psychic fair Saturday followed by a paranormal investigation of a mid-19th century Watervliet church.
The members of the Extreme Paranormal Encounter Response Team presented a day-long event that included lectures on paranormal activity, vendors, psychics, and tarot card readers at the 175-year-old Watervliet First United Methodist Church, 1401 First Avenue.
The event’s daytime activity was to be followed later in the evening by a paranormal investigation of the building. Tickets to the psychic fair were $5 person while the investigation of the building, including a discussion beforehand of investigation equipment, were $30 each. All the money raised was to go to church.
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