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Paranormal Society’s creation linked to unsolved murder on campus

In December of 1955, 20-year-old UNO student Carolyn Nevins was murdered outside of what is now Arts and Sciences Hall. The murderer was never found. To this day, many wonder if the spirit of Nevins still haunts the building.

Cases like Nevins’ murder are what sparked the creation of the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s paranormal society.

“We first started out with the UNO UFO study group, and then we began working on the different paranormal aspects in that group,” Kyle Finley, president of the paranormal society, said. “We ran into the ghost hunting group on campus, MAPS, the Metro Area Paranormal Society.”

MAPS originally came to study the cold case of Nevins. Finley said the paranormal society kicked off investigations of its own on the Nevins case with the help of faculty advisor David Pares.

“It was an ongoing investigation, and students have compiled data,” Pares said. “We also contacted former relatives of Nevins but we have not yet come to the conclusion of the paranormal activity.”

University of Nebraska

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
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John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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