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Does the ghost of a murdered congressman haunt the Capitol?

Amid the politicians, lobbyists and diplomats that roam the halls of the Capitol building, legend has it that there's also a mysterious, ghostly presence.

William Preston Taulbee, a U.S. Representative from Kentucky from 1885 to 1889, was murdered in 1890 in the Capitol. Some say he never left.

According to NPR, Taulbee's political career passed just shortly before he did.

Charles Kincaid, the Washington correspondent for The Louisville Times, wrote a scathing expose about the former congressman's affair — and the facts behind it are still being debated.

Blood Stains from the murder of William Preston Taulbee

Who's Behind The Ghostly News
  Recommended Reading

Haunted Fort Lauderdale


John Marc Carr

Published by History Press 

April 2008

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