The Ghosts of Stonehenge
‘Tis the year’s midnight, and ’tis the day’s, and a good time to think of lost worlds and ghosts – in this case, the phantoms of bygone...
Brother in marriage accused of providing charms
CHRISTINE CHIHAME, Kitwe A HUSBAND from Kitwe’s Kawama township has dragged his brother-in-marriage to court for giving his wife charms...
Have yourself a spooky little Christmas | Paranormal Corner
During the weeks leading up to Christmas — and longer for some children — parents throughout America threaten naughty kids with the...
5 Creepiest Photos Taken by Mistake
Ever had a person tell you that you were lucky to get that picture? This might change your mind about all of that as the Dark 5 takes us...
Witches, ghosts, zombies, vampires and aliens reported to North Wales Police
.....There may be no Mulder and Scully on the force, but officers have handled nearly 60 calls relating to supernatural or...
Paranormal documentary came to Tahlequah.
The Native American Paranormal Project was created in 2011 by Williams and Pawnee/Seminole talent Happy Frejo as a documentary series...
Missing people, UFOs and ghosts: Is this the creepiest forest in the world?
SO weird is this spooky spot it's known as the Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania. Click Picture to read article #UFO #MissingPersons...
Top5s: 5 Extraordinary & Mind Blowing Underwater Creatures
Well, here is another..... A List A List A List of 5 Extraordinary & Mind Blowing Underwater Creatures. #Paranormal #Adventure #episode...
Ghost caught on film? Bizarre shape zipped past security camera
The footage has been handed to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for further investigation. It shows a security camera on the outside of an...