The Mighty Thor, Chris Hemsworth Believes In Ghosts
Chris Hemsworth, who is also part of the team Avengers and plays the character of mighty Thor, says he believes in ghosts. #He says he...

Who you gonna call? — Real-life ‘Ghostbusters’ investigate Fife ‘haunted house’
Are you troubled by strange noises in the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? The caretaker of a former...

10 Famous People Who Have Seen Ghosts
#Celebrities #BeliefinGhosts #Politicians #Top10

Haunted Biltmore: Inside the Ghost Stories of Greensboro's Hotel
GREENSBORO, NC- Once upon a time, a man named Philip lurked inside a hotel. Suicide or homicide, Philip can never tell. With him, a lady...

"Nightmares Around Elm Street" Tours Explore Greensboro's Haunted History
GREENSBORO, NC -- Halloween is three months away, but a North Carolina historian aims to keep the haunts happening year-round. Carolina...

Haunts & Jaunts: Paranormal Advice: Are you considering joining or perhaps forming a par
Investigations are different than a hunt, and quite different from that of the monthly hobbyist. It’s more professional as you deal with...

Is this the moment a ghostly child is caught on video opening the front gate of a home in the middle
A man has claimed he captured a ghost-like figure opening the gate outside his home. Chris Mitchell-Clare has shared eerie footage of...

Conclusive proof of ghosts? Creepy clip shows ‘tsunami victim’ follow man into cab
Now it appears one may have been captured on camera after eerie footage emerged of what some suggest is a female ghost following a man...

GUEST COLUMN: Do you believe in ghosts … now?
You walk into a room full of people, look around and find a seat. You shuffle through your papers for the story you will read tonight....

5 reasons why the Ghostbusters would thrive in Singapore
As every good businessman knows, Singapore is the place to set up a new company or your Southeast Asian hub. The problem is that we’re a...